"Evidently the first century Christians had unfulfilled hopes..."
cheesus grice--i thought i was reading a watchtower then....
i ask the question on the title because there a quite a number of statements the apostle paul made about the coming of jesus and resurrection of the holy ones that never fulfilled.
1 corinthians 15: 51, 52 (nwt) : .
i tell you a sacred secret: we will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.
"Evidently the first century Christians had unfulfilled hopes..."
cheesus grice--i thought i was reading a watchtower then....
just looking at the pictures in tomorrow's wt study makes me think of the nightmares i used to have as a child.
and nowadays the pictures are sometimes more realistic, so for any who are truly mentally in, this has a terrible effect on them and even their life choices.
looking in as a pimo or pomo it seems almost comical that adults would believe in this sci-fi bible fan-fiction, but it's not funny when we remember that all ages of the r&f are being manipulated by the gb by these cheap and evil means.. .
i dig those dudes in nightshirts with white hair and wings. maybe that will become the next new look for the bruvs at assemblies.
don't be startled by the title of this thread.
heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.. in planning for my escape from the borg, i've come to the sad realization that the best thing for me to do considering factors like: breaking my parents and siblings hearts, lack of support groups, lack of counseling groups for cult survivors, and the prospect of finding a mate who shares my secular views on life, i've come to the realization that i need to leave my country and even my continent africa.
i know i sound desperate, but what can a brother do when all he can do is cry out for help or die in silence.
don't be startled by the title of this thread.
heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.. in planning for my escape from the borg, i've come to the sad realization that the best thing for me to do considering factors like: breaking my parents and siblings hearts, lack of support groups, lack of counseling groups for cult survivors, and the prospect of finding a mate who shares my secular views on life, i've come to the realization that i need to leave my country and even my continent africa.
i know i sound desperate, but what can a brother do when all he can do is cry out for help or die in silence.
getting a work visa to the UK is very difficult. you need to check which skills are needed by employers and look out for any sponsorhip offers. its mostly in the medical / healthcare sector.
don't be startled by the title of this thread.
heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.. in planning for my escape from the borg, i've come to the sad realization that the best thing for me to do considering factors like: breaking my parents and siblings hearts, lack of support groups, lack of counseling groups for cult survivors, and the prospect of finding a mate who shares my secular views on life, i've come to the realization that i need to leave my country and even my continent africa.
i know i sound desperate, but what can a brother do when all he can do is cry out for help or die in silence.
saorean. in my experience--having been married 4 times--love can be a transient thing.
in my case--my ( now ) wife was desperate to live--and work--in the UK, and marrying a british man was her only way. she told me this straight off. we both went into it eyes wide open. ive no regrets. it is a very expensive and lengthy process.
aaah--right ( i think )
punk..mate--WTF are you on about ?
don't be startled by the title of this thread.
heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.. in planning for my escape from the borg, i've come to the sad realization that the best thing for me to do considering factors like: breaking my parents and siblings hearts, lack of support groups, lack of counseling groups for cult survivors, and the prospect of finding a mate who shares my secular views on life, i've come to the realization that i need to leave my country and even my continent africa.
i know i sound desperate, but what can a brother do when all he can do is cry out for help or die in silence.
from my experience--here in Britain--the easiest way to get a settlement visa is to marry a British national..which is exactly what my wife did.
obviously there are conditions a future partner will have to meet, but thats a long way off. if you decide to try that route--internet dating is the starting point.
i drove through a nearby seaside town today.
it was starting to rain.
it was cold.
i drove through a nearby seaside town today. it was starting to rain. it was cold. there--on a deserted street corner was a cart with 2 dubs in attendance. they looked perished, fed up and very glum. they saw me looking at them--and i burst out laughing.
what a complete and utter waste of time. i do hope they think long and hard before they do it again.
today, many signs have been fulfilled showing that we are in the end times and much has been said in regards to armageddon, tribulation... etc but little in regards to what happens to those who believe and what transitions them to be free and escape from all that to the final destination.
this is my focus and message is based on creation, there were two trees at the centre of the garden of eden and we are familiar with what happened;man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and then we are familiar with the ramifications afterwards.
now through jesus christ, the events that will lead to the end for those who believe are in 3 stages1.knowledge will be increased (daniel 12:4)there will be a transition, knowledge will transition from that of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to also include knowledge of the tree of life and this brings with it a transformation that will bring in the second phase2.healingthe knowledge/belief/faith will bring about spiritual transformational healing, also practical knowledge i.e.
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